H.H. Dalai Lama - English stream
H.H. Dalai Lama - English stream
The live video
Udine - Palasport Carnera - May 22 and 23

Dalai Lama live in Italy

On May 22nd and 23rd we will broadcast the events with the Dalai Lama and we will provide one channel in Italian and one channel in English for European viewers; simultaneous English translation will be provide by INTECH company.
We would emphasize that the connection will work via radio link towards the US server USTREM, which means that bad weather conditions could lower the band available; it could determine a reduced transmission to one channel (Italian or English) until the return to normal.

Live streaming by ustream / Streaming service by- Multilink friuli & Intech audiovisual

ENGLISH stream:
Direct access server USTREM: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/dalailamainitaly
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Associazione - Centro di Accoglienza "E. Balducci" ODV ETS
Piazza della Chiesa, 1 - 33050 Zugliano (Udine)
email: segreteria@centrobalducci.org